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CLI Commands

Carch now supports CLI commands! Use carch with the following options:

carch --help
Usage: carch [OPTIONS]

A tool for automating Arch Linux setups.

  --help, -h              Show this help message and exit.
  --version, -v           Show the program version.
  --gen-config            Generate a default configuration file in ~/.config/carch/carch.conf.
  --config <conf dir>     Use a specific configuration file to load selected scripts.
  -c                      Use the default configuration file to load selected scripts.
  --run-script <name>, -r Run the specified script from /usr/bin/scripts.
  --list-scripts, -l      List all available scripts in /usr/bin/scripts.
  --update                Update Carch using the latest script.
  --tui, -t               Launch the TUI interface.
  --uninstall             Uninstall Carch and remove all associated files.
  • --help, -h Show this help message and exit.
  • --version, -v Show the program version.
  • --gen-config Generate a default configuration file in ~/.config/carch/carch.conf.
  • --config <conf dir> Use a specific configuration file to load selected scripts.
  • -c Use the default configuration file to load selected scripts.
  • --run-script <name>, -r Run the specified script from /usr/bin/scripts.
  • --list-scripts, -l List all available scripts in /usr/bin/scripts.
  • --update Update Carch using the latest script.
  • --tui, -t Launch the TUI interface.
  • --uninstall Uninstall Carch and remove all associated files.

Example config:

# Carch Conf File Example
# List the script names (without .sh extension) you want to include in the menu.
# Example:
carch --config /path/to/config.conf

Released under the GPL-3.0 License.